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Research Interests

Broadly, my research interests center around understanding the biological basis for ecosystem resiliency. In essence, what factors contribute to an ecosystem's ability to recover from a singular or persisting perturbation? I am especially interested in aquatic ecosystems that are experiencing high levels of anthropogenically-driven change.


So far, my research has addressed this broad research question from the population and ecosystem-level perspectives. Specifically, projects I've been involved with have centered on: 


  1. Characterizing morphological diversity across taxonomically-diverse groups of fishes.

  2. Modelling how species diversity is generated and maintained over time

  3. Detangling how non-native species introductions influence community composition, abundance, growth, and niche occupancy of native species

  4. Forecasting how mitigation efforts, such as the removal of disruptive species or introduction of beneficial species, will impact imperiled ecosystems

In addition to my prior work, I am also interested in exploring new avenues for understanding ecosystem resiliency, such as utilizing an eco-evolutionary perspective at the gene or individual level to better understand ecosystem-level processes.

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Expectations of dominant biogeographic patterns under three models of origination and persistence.

Figure 1: A. Dornburg, S. Federman, A. Lamb, T. Near. Cradles and museums of Antarctic Biodiversity. (2017). Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8(7), 3609–3616.

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